Posts Tagged ‘ Significance ’

My 10 Inner Secrets to Success


In all the studies I’ve read and seminars I’ve attended, plus the career/life coaching I’ve received personally…I’ve been conditioned to know that positive events often come via positive thinking and the applying of those measures in every day practices.  Oppositely, society today is conditioned to blame circumstances for our problems.  But if this were true, wouldn’t we all be in the exact same circumstance?

The difference between all of us is in the quality of our thoughts and ideas.  We can become effective in making changes if we know the underlying factors that govern our lives.

As I thought about this and looked back at my sales career, I took notice of 10 specific keys that I can attribute to my success.  They are called inner secrets because you can’t see them, but when you apply them to your life, the possibilities are unlimited.

  1. Cheerful expectancy:  Many of my mentors have used this analogy with me…imagine waking up and seeing a large package at the foot of your bed wrapped in beautiful gold paper with a big red bow tied around it.  Guess what’s in there?  Today is your gift, and you can make it whatever you want.  You choose to focus on the positive or the negative. You can be enthusiastic, eager to do things and happily go about the simple matters of life.  Or you can be tired, complain and expect the worst of things.  Your approach to your day, family and clients determines what you get back.  You may find that your attitude will be infectious and more good will come to you. 
  2. Set a goal and make a plan:  After reading Napoleon Hill’s book Think & Grow Rich , I discovered the importance of having a goal and the six steps to setting one.  You don’t have to know how to achieve some things; you only must start advancing toward a goal to attract all the people, things and circumstances you need to fulfill it.  Build an image of what you want to achieve, make a simple plan and take action.
  3. Do one proactive thing daily regarding your goal:  Vow to do just one thing each day that will move you closer to your goal, and do it before you do anything else that day.  Otherwise, one skipped day can turn into a month or year.  You must put the urgency into what’s important in your life because no one else will.
  4. Deliver exceptional value and strive for excellence:  Look for how you can give your best in each interaction.  But remember: Striving for perfection can be exhausting.  Nothing will be perfect.  Instead, strive for excellence.  Why?  Because excellence is a commitment to completion.  Complete the unfinished projects around your house and office.
  5. Build on your successes:  Many of us are conditioned to compare our weaknesses to other people’s strengths and our failures to their successes.  If that isn’t bad enough, we use our memory to remember everything that didn’t work out – just at the time that we want to step out and do something new.  Change that habit by writing out your strengths and playing to them.  Congratulate yourself for each new success and use that fabulous energy to create more.  Get on the phone and talk to others because they will be excited by your enthusiasm.
  6. Make decisions:  Learning how to make a decision is one of the most powerful things you can do.  Once you make a decision, everything you need to make it happen starts to move toward you.  Without a decision, it stays away from you.  Instead of asking if its right or wrong to do something,  it’s far more powerful to ask and answer this question: ”If I do this, will it move me in the direction of my goal or purpose?”
  7. Take responsibility:  Do this for everything happening in your life.  Resolve today to stop blaming, complaining or making excuses.  People who refuse to accept responsibility for the life they have created also don’t make decisions.  Refusing responsibilities and fearing a decision must be overcome to be an effective business leader.  Instead, look for your next step to improve the situation.
  8. Learn constantly:  Many people often stop developing themselves.  Instead, be someone who is continually learning, be it through workshops, seminars, motivational CDs, books or more.  There’s no standing still because the world is constantly changing, and we must stay abreast.  If you aren’t willing to invest in yourself, don’t expect anyone else to invest in you.
  9. Be grateful:  I have found that the more gratitude that I have for everything in my life, the better it gets.  When something happens, whether we call it good or bad, it’s there because we need it now. There is a message in that experience.  Everything is in your life for a reason.  If you are unhappy, then you aren’t being grateful. 
  10. Give:  We’ve all heard that we must give in order to receive.  It’s the absolute truth.  But there are many who are trying to get without giving and consequently living a life filled with unhappiness.  The way we give is the way we should expect to receive – whether it is how we give our services in business, how we give of ourselves in our friendships and relationships, or how we give back to the community.  If people aren’t selling enough, it’s because they aren’t giving enough service.

Forget about what you will gain and focus on what you can give.  By giving to others you ultimately are giving to yourself.  You’re giving yourself real value.  Your world will change quickly.